It includes DNA control sequences, such as the 604-bp brachial spinal cord enhancer and a 650-bp temporal control region, both contained in the Hoxa5 59 flanking sequences. A 2.1-kb mesodermal enhancer important for Hoxa5 paraxial and lateral plate mesoderm expression in the cervico-upper thoracic region of the A-P axis is positioned 39 of the Hoxa5 gene. CDX proteins bind this sequence acting as potential regulators for the regionalization of Hoxa5 gene expression along the axis. A 1.5-kb DNA region that targets Hoxa5 lung and gut developmental expression was also identified in the Hoxa4-Hoxa5 intergenic sequences. Traumatic brain Imatinib injury remains a major cause of morbidity, mortality and long-term disability in children and young adults. It imposes a significant threat to the lives of patients, remains a profound and long-lasting social and economic consequence and is poorly treated by currently available drugs. Neural stem cell transplantation provides an attractive alternative option for treating this condition. Transplanted NSCs have the capacity to migrate long distances to lesion sites and to improve functional recovery after brain injury. Under appropriate conditions, they can differentiate into neuronal and glial lineages and induce the regeneration of damaged brain tissue. Although NSCs have shown promise for cell replacement in brain injury, NSC replacement therapies face many obstacles, including low cell viability, lack of control of stem-cell fate and low levels of cell UNC0224 engraftment after transplantation These difficulties might result partly from the poor quality of NSCs in vitro and ultimately lead to low levels of cell engraftment. Successful NSC grafting requires, above all, that NSCs need be able to survive and proliferate and that their therapeutic progeny function well. From extraction to transplantation, NSCs experience various human interventions, such as isolation, collection, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution in different solutions for different durations.In previous studies, some widely used solutions, including 0.9% saline, 0.01 M phosphate buffered saline and artificial cerebrospinal fluid, were employed as the harvesting media for NSC transplantation.