Simulations predict that while spatial variability increases diversity

Environmental Epimedin-A1 diversity allows different species to occupy different niches, sustaining coexistence and species diversity. There is a strong body of evidence for the loss of diversity by reduction of niches. In addition to landscape mosaicism, temporal variability also affects diversity. Simulations predict that while spatial variability increases diversity, the strongest increase occur at Enoxacin hydrate intermediate levels of temporal variability. When the environment of a species is provided by another species, there is a set of age-changing mosaic niches provided by each individual host for the life of the host. Since microbes circulate in a dynamic population of hosts, the microbe diversity is held at the host population and not individual- level. The studies that have provided the basis for many ecology theories have come from the field of plant ecology. Plant ecological studies have shown that diversity of plant associated herbivores increases with diversity of plant species but also with population genotypic diversity, within a single species. As such, a direct association between diversities in host and microbiome microbes could be expected. Polyadenylation of RNAs has a decisive role in the regulation of RNA stability. In eukaryotes, it confers stability for nuclear mRNA, regulates export of processed mRNAs to the cytoplasm and promotes translation initiation ;. In bacteria, in contrast, polyadenylation facilitates RNA degradation by attracting the degradosome, a complex containing phosphorylase. As for prokaryotes, polyadenylation of mRNAs in chloroplasts serves as a RNA degradation signal and it promotes mRNA degradation in plant mitochondria ;. Plant mitochondrial PNPase degrades rRNA and tRNA maturation by-products, but also removes highly transcribed non-functional RNAs and antisense transcripts, following their polyadenylation. Polyadenylation therefore appears to be part of a RNA turnover system that counterbalances relaxed transcription in plant mitochondria. Polyadenylation has different consequences on the mitochondrial transcripts in different organisms. In human, for example, polyadenylation is required for stabilisation of mitochondrial mRNA.

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