Seventies of the last century got popularity due to the famous images

In routine cytological preparations fractal derived variables are much less dependent on staining variations than variables derived from the grey-level cooccurrence matrix. Form factors, which are classically used for the quantitative description of irregular outlines, depend highly on the magnification scale, whereas fractals are scale independent. The fractal dimension represents a statistical description but, moreover,KRX-0401 is also intimately related to the theoretical concepts of complexity and morphogenesis. Therefore it provides a deeper insight into the understanding of the biology of normal tissues and neoplasias. The fractal concept, developed by Mandelbrot in the sixties and seventies of the last century got popularity due to the famous images created by computer programs based on fractal geometry. It is however a ubiquitous theoretical framework for many processes or objects in our known universe. Fractality implies scale-independent self-similarity or self-affinity. The fractal concept may be applied to every kind of science. Fractal characteristics can be found when measurement values of a certain variable are scale independent so that in a log-log plot the measurement points can be well approximated by a regression line. Therefore the fractal property is always related to a measurement variable. An ‘‘object’’ or a ‘‘process’’ can reveal simultaneously fractal characteristics of many different variables or features. Introducing the fractal concept in biology and medicine has improved our understanding of many physiological processes, such as allometric scaling growth, allosteric enzyme kinetics,Crizotinib intracellular bio-energetic dynamics, metabolic rate in mammals, population genetics, modeling of drug clearance, neo-angiogenesis, tumor growth, organization of nucleotides in DNA and RNA, and cardiovascular physiology. Fractals are very useful to characterize properly the complexity of macroscopic and microscopic anatomy, namely to describe the design principles underlying living organisms. The chromatin structure can also be analyzed by fractal geometry.