Furthermore expression of the transgene in a subset of follicle stem cells

The absence of UDP-GlcNAc in nagA mutant cells translates into the absence of GlcNAc residues in cellulose produced from DnagA cells even under GlcNAc fed conditions. Bacterial cellulose produced by G. xylinus into long, nonaggregated, essentially pure nanofibrils and is a versatile biomaterial due to its unique nanostructure and properties that closely resemble the structure of native extracellular matrices. Despite the excellent biocompatibility and mechanical properties of BC, the lack of cellulose hydrolyzing enzymes in the human body and the high crystallinity restricts its utility. Therefore, cellulose with controllable crystallinity and degradability could be a next generation polymer for tissue engineering applications. Nonetheless the widespread presence of lysozyme in human body warrants its exploitation to degrade a biopolymer containing GlcNAc as one of its constituent. Since the cellulose synthase of G. xylinus can utilize both UDP-glucose and UDP-GlcNAc as substrate further genetic alteration can be carried out in G. xylinus to elevate the UDPGlcNAc pool. This would make UDP-GlcNAc accessible for cellulose synthase and as a result such cells may produce a lysozyme degradable cellulosic heteropolymer consisting of both glucose and GlcNAc. Though we were able to incorporate GlcNAc in cellulose produced from metabolically engineered cells but still we believe that elevated cytoplasmic UDP-GlcNAc could allosterically activate nagA to circumvent the GlcNAc-6-phosphate into other metabolic pathways thereby reducing the level of cytoplasmic UDP-GlcNAc pool. Although disruption of NagA neither induces incorporationof GlcNAc into cellulose nor changes cellulose composition, simultaneous disruption of NagA and heterologous expression of UDP-GlcNac synthesis machinery would likely increase the cytoplasmic UDP-GlcNAc pool. Based on that context, the amount of GlcNac incorporated into cellulose would likely be higher than what was previously achieved. We anticipate that this would lead to the production of a cellulosic heteropolymer consisting of both glucose and GlcNAc as its constituents thereby producing a tailorable chimeric cellulosic biopolymer degradable in human body.