n order to achieve better fulfilment of treatment goals

All information on the lipid lowering agents is retrieved from Swedish Prescribed Drug Register, which contains complete information about drug utilization in the entire Swedish population. We used strict criteria regarding the use of the lipid lowering treatments,OGG1 Inhibitor O8 with only patients without former purchases during a certain time period, followed by three purchases during a specified period of time. We used the blood lipid values reported after that period in our study, a technique that could cause some errors. We determined, however, this to be the best method to ensure the maximal number of patients in the study, since blood lipid values are not measured frequently in clinical practice, perhaps not more often than every second year in most patients, and they are not likely to be reported to NDR more than once every year. In conclusion, this observational study shows that the LDL-C levels in patients taking simvastatin, atorvastatin or rosuvastatin are very similar as currently used, as well as their LDL-C lowering effects. In order to achieve better fulfilment of treatment goals, since the residual risk remains high in a large proportion of the patients,TMPPAA there is a potential to increase the doses of the lipid lowering treatments. Postoperative myocardial infarction is one of the most serious complications of cardiac surgeries, occurring in 3%–15% of patients. Early mortality after PMI ranges from 3.5% to 25%. PMI is also associated with reduced long-term survival and high morbidity and cost. PMI can be due to incomplete revascularization of atherosclerotic vessels, technical problems at anastomotic sites, hemodynamic disturbances during and after surgery, and tachycardia. The most common cause of PMI is imbalance between myocardial demand and supply. Defining PMI is often difficult because most PMIs occur without symptoms in anesthetized or sedated patients, ECG changes are subtle and/or transient, and the creatine kinase-MB isoenzyme has limited sensitivity and specificity. The recent universal definition of PMI is based on a rise and/or fall of cardiac biomarkers in the setting of myocardial ischemia: cardiac symptoms, ECG changes, or imaging findings. Over 90% of troponin elevations began within 24 hours after cardiac surgery. However, there is no biomarker currently available to predict preoperatively whether a patient would develop PMI after cardiac surgery.