Individuals with AD develop itchy skin lesions on distinct parts of the body and roughly 70�C80% of them have elevated serum IgE levels. According to one hypothesis, AD is primarily caused by abnormalities of skin innate immunity, resulting in the infiltration with skin-homing Th2 cells during the acute phase and in complex inflammatory responses. Second hypothesis considers as a primary defect the immune dysregulation towards Th2 immune responses Sulfamerazine together with IgEmediated sensitization. Currently, there is a variety of mouse models of AD. They include models with spontaneous manifestation of AD, genetically engineered mice, models with skin lesions induced by sensitization with an antigen, and models with severe combined immunodeficiencies. In our studies, we compared the effects of wild-type VACV strain Western Reserve inoculation in the skin of three Pilocarpine hydrochloride different mouse strains. Namely, we used Japanese Nc/Nga mice, a spontaneously mutated inbred strain that reveals many characteristics similar to human AD. About 50% of mice develop spontaneous skin lesions in non-SPF conditions, suggesting that the epigenetic or environmental factors play a role also. The mice were shown to have elevated serum levels of IgE, histopathological changes of the skin and Th2dominant immune responses. Further, we used Balb/c and C57Bl/6 mice. Both strains were described to develop AD when sensitized epicutaneously with ovalbumin using tape-stripping. In general, Balb/c mice reveal Th2-shifted immune responses, while C57Bl/6 mice reveal Th1-dominant immune responses; accordingly, the individual mouse strains are more sensitive or resistant to intracellular pathogens, respectively. For studies of eczema vaccinatum, both Nc/Nga and Balb/c mice sensitized with various allergens have been used, but genetically modified mice derived from C57Bl/6 strain are also commonly used to study responses to VACV. Nevertheless, different sensitization and inoculation protocols used by individual research groups make the results difficult to compare. In this paper, we show for the first time a direct comparison of all three mouse strains as an AD/EV model.