However, we have realized that this let to contiguous sequences consisting of several transcripts that have been assembled together although they do not belong to each other. Therefore, we have decided to choose the stringent parameters which ensure obtaining unique rather than complete sequences. We have aligned Ginsenoside Rg1 our incomplete sequences with the most identical once from T. castaneaum and observed that the sequences from T. castanaeum encode complete proteins. Based on this, we assumed that our sequences might also encode complete proteins, and that only due to limitations in the de novo assembly we did not obtain complete coding regions. Therefore, we did not exclude these sequences from our analyses. The protein sequences were aligned by the G-INS-i methods from MAFFT with default parameters. To calculate the phylogenetic tree RAxML v7.2.8, a program based on maximumlikelihood inference, was used. In RAxML,Eupatilin the best fit model of protein evolution was RTREVF with gamma distribution for modeling rate heterogeneity. Based on the Lander/Waterman equation, the average coverage per base in each transcript of each biological replicate was separately computed. The mean values of average coverage of each replicate for each tissue, respectively, were compared to show the expression levels of tissues. Injector, World Precision Instruments, Sarasota, Florida, USA). Injections were made into the hemolymph next to the ventral side between the pro- and mesothorax. Differential expression in the glandular tissue was analyzed 10 days after RNAi treatment by using RNA-seq. Two biological replicates compared to two biological replicates of gfpcontrol samples were sequenced on a HiSeq2500 in 50-bp single read mode. The raw sequence data are stored in the SRA of the NCBI with the accession numbers listed in Table S3. The corresponding BioProject is PRJNA212154. All short reads again were extracted in FastQ format for further analysis.Later studies revealed additional ABCB transporters as MDR proteins. Besides xenobiotic extrusion, ABCB members are also known in human biology for the translocation, for example, of phosphatidylcholine, bile acids, peptides, TAPL, mitochondrial ABCB10, metabolites of the heme synthetic pathway, or iron.